Are you
sick of dieting?

Feel like you’ve let your weight and eating get out of control?

Always feel low energy?

Has your body image made you self conscious and it’s impacting your relationships, social life and work performance?

Feel like you can’t put an end to binge, stress, emotional and boredom eating?

Feeling disappointed, hopeless, ashamed and defeated?

FINALLY ready to nourish, heal, and transform your mind and body for sustainable results?

Well you’re in the right place. 

Wellpower Method

The Method to Empowerment.

Virtual nutrition coaching program helping you drop dieting and excess weight while gaining freedom, energy and confidence.

Transform your body and empower your mind for sustainable results. A life where weight loss is sustainable, you feel in control and confident and have energy all day long while you have a healthy relationship with food.

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Hello I'm


and I can’t wait to help you achieve your goals and never worry about weight loss again.

I absolutely understand what you’re going through as I went through a 10+ year struggle with my own weight and confidence.

In order to empower others, I immersed myself in nutrition science. I’m a Registered Dietitian, and I have a Masters’ Degree in Nutritional Sciences as well. I’ve spent years working with individuals to make what we know from nutrition science applicable to everyday habits.

I’m a virtual 1:1 Dietitian Nutrition coach helping YOU:

What others are saying

Kristie M.
Kristie M.
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This is so much more than just nutrition and eating. Gabrielle is truly a wellness/life coach and has helped me in multiple areas of my life. She is extremely knowledgeable and well organized. I do have a different mindset around food, how it is fueling my body, and how to eat a balanced meal without obsessing. I also feel more confident about feeding my family, planning meals, finding fun ways to add in more foods. I can honestly say we have saved money, as I’m not buying multiple supplements and tons of expensive groceries. The biggest benefit is definitely enjoying life without fearing or obsessing about food.
Evelyn K.
Evelyn K.
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I would say the overall win for me was the mindfulness aspect and the self awareness when it came to how I responded to various matters. And along the way I was able to get back to my heavy lifts in workouts. If you're thinking of working with Gabrielle, Don’t second guess it, just do it. You don’t just get a sheet that tells you what to eat, but it’s a whole body and mental experience to help you achieve your goals but to make them last (which is what other programs lack).
Becca Brooks
Becca Brooks
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My core beliefs have started to shift entirely. I am believing in myself a little more every day and taking risks that have only benefitted me. My clothes fit better, I wake up smiling and I am kinder to myself. Also I have officially been off my everyday medication for 5 weeks since starting this program which is HUGE. Nothing about this program will leave you with regret. You walk away from each session feeling more confident, knowledgeable, and just amazing. It isn’t just about weight loss at ALL. It’s a journey to your healthiest/happiest life mentally, physically and spiritually.
Lindsey A.
Lindsey A.
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I drink SO MUCH MORE WATER than I ever did before and it has definitely helped my skin and energy levels. I eat more whole foods including fresh fruit, which I previously thought were a waste of calories and too high in sugar-- so dumb. And, we figured out that I do not have IBS, but rather a very imbalanced gut. After a few months of healing my gut with supplements and pre- and probiotics, I successfully went through 4 of the 8 phases of FODMAP reintroduction, meaning I can now eat a ton of foods I previously avoided. This has been life-changing. Having an expert's help navigating your mind and body's perception of and reaction to food is invaluable. I am SO GLAD I worked with Gabrielle to figure out my food sensitivities and learn better habits so that I can have a more balanced diet and life.
Gina M.
Gina M.
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My biggest success since starting is that I've learned so much more about my gut health. I am more aware of what foods I'm eating, making sure I have a balanced plate at all meals with enough protein that my body needs and also actually staying away from foods that I know my stomach is sensitive to. If you're thinking about joining the Wellpower Method, I would say DO IT, you won't regret it. Gabi is such an inspiration and has so much passion for what she does. You can tell how genuinely happy it makes her to see you doing well/feeling well. She comes so prepared to weekly meetings and is so organized with everything. She is so knowledgeable, she can answer anything you throw at her. SHE'S A NATURAL. & she's the absolute sweetest to work with
Dianna S.
Dianna S.
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"This is the best program I have ever done! Gabrielle is a wealth of knowledge and a great teacher. She has taught me the root cause to all my nagging, wits end health ailments and helped me to heal through eating good food. She taught me that there is no such thing as bad food -- once you learn to balance your macro and micro nutrients. This program teaches you about everything -- from whole body connection to getting all your vitamins and minerals in daily while accomplishing your own personal goal of either losing, gaining, or maintaining your weight. I eat more now that I have ever eaten and I'm healthy! Mens sana in corpore sano -- A health mind in a healthy body."
Melissa P
Melissa P
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Working with Gabrielle has taught me so much, and I am so grateful to be able to work with her. This program encompasses all aspects of health and wellness. I wouldn't be where I am today if I had tried on my own. I finally feel a sense of balance in my life, and that feeling is priceless.
Jaclyn S
Jaclyn S
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I’ve lost approximately 4.2 lbs and 5.5 inches in only 5 weeks! The balanced plate method has been tremendous in fueling my body and giving it the energy it needs. I have never felt this type of energy consistently before. I’m able to reach 10K steps a day, when prior to that my average was usually max 5K a day. I love running despite the fact that it would sometimes feel like I was running through quicksand. I just didn’t have enough energy and it slowed me down. While doing this program I've experienced more endurance with my runs. I’ve been able to run longer and improved my average pace by 40 seconds. I feel like a different person. Not only have I seen these physical changes but there have been positive mindset changes as well. I used to fear certain foods, thinking I would eat the entire container of cookies if I had them in my house. The work we’ve done so far has been astronomical in helping my way of thinking and knowing I can have a cookie to honor my cravings and then continue on with my day. There are no bad foods and therefore there is no guilt with eating a cookie. The shift in mindset has made me stop thinking and obsessing over food.
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"The Wellpower Method was just what I needed! And honestly what everyone needs. I've tried most tendy diets/programs and typically got quick results but they also went away quick. I was a bit hesitant with taking things slow and really working on the behavior-side of my health but it was exactly what I needed! I reached my outcome goal and truly feel confident about sticking with it for good because my lifestyle and perspective on food/ exercise/ overall well-being has completely shifted. I no longer have a good versus bad mentality around food, enjoy everything I eat, and love taking care of myself. It was so much fun working with Gabrielle and she provides you will all the accountability and support you need!"
Jeff L.
Jeff L.
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"I live an incredibly busy lifestyle balancing work and my personal life. Thanks to Gabrielle and her virtual services she has been helping me develop appropriate eating habits that fit my lifestyle. Her knowledge and expertise have helped me tremendously and I'm grateful to be working with her."
Jenny W
Jenny W
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Sometimes I wouldn’t have a sip of water all day and now I fill up my 32 oz water bottle 3 times a day! I used to take naps multiple times during the week because I couldn’t keep my eyes open but now I feel so much more energized. Gabi has helped me become much more self-aware about what I am eating and drinking at home and in social settings. She provides me with delicious, nutrient-dense food options that are easy to prepare for every meal based on what I like. In 8 weeks, I have noticed that my clothes fit better now and my confidence is much higher. Gabi has helped me find exercise routines that work for me so I no longer dread working out - I actually enjoy it now! Losing weight is just icing on the cake 🙂

Egg Muffins

4 servings. 356 calories. 30g protein 6 ounces ground turkey sausage or chopped cooked turkey bacon 1.5 teaspoons olive oil 1 cup sliced veggie of

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Breakfast Tacos

1 serving. 400 calories. 40g protein 3 oz 85% ground turkey 1/4 cup low-fat refried beans 1 egg 2 tsp taco seasoning  2 Trader Joe’s

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